E05 | Earth from above | USA: The end of oil - Part 1

This program is available in catch-up untilSaturday 15 March


  • Thursday 13th March at 11:40

"The end of oil" is the amazing story of a raw material which has revolutionized man's life in just a century. But today, oil reserves are depleting. In his crazy race for always more production, Man didn't manage to preserve this precious energy that took million years for the Earth to give out. To tell the adventure of oil, Yann Arthus-Bertrand and his team went to the United States, the country which depends the most on black gold. At the start of the 21st century, it is now urgent to realize that oil resources are limited. It's today that we have to act and get organized, in order to prepare the new era to come. While all our economies are based on the petrol barrel's price, we'll have to learn to do without oil within 20, 30 or 100 years. What will be the consequences? What are the solutions at stake? This new episode of Earth From Above attempts to answer these questions. From China to Benin, including Azerbaijan, Belgium and Canada, Earth From Above takes us on a new trip around the world, in search of black gold.

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