Spring is here! Here's the list of fruits and vegetables to eat in March.


  • Leaf vegetables

Endive and spinach are springtime classics. It's also the season for lamb's lettuce, which, like spinach, is rich in antioxidants. Lamb's lettuce is an excellent source of vitamin B9 and iron. Endive is known for its bitterness, but less so for its antioxidant properties and richness in vitamins A, B9 and K.

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  • Crucifers

Kale and cauliflower are also a must in March. Kale contains glucosinolates and vitamin C, as does cauliflower. These compounds are particularly beneficial in helping the liver eliminate toxins.

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  • Root vegetables

In March, root vegetables are always present. They come in all shapes and sizes, from carrots, rich in cell-protecting carotenoids, to turnips, sources of vitamins C, B9, B6, calcium and potassium. Parsnips provide fiber and antioxidants, while black radish is recognized for its liver detoxifying benefits. Finally, salsify, rich in inulin, helps balance intestinal flora and is a good ally for digestive health.

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  • Special mention

Don't forget leeks, rich in fiber and potassium, and celeriac, known for its anti-inflammatory properties and flavonoid content.


  • Pome fruits

In March, apples and pears remain must-haves. Very popular and easy to find, they are veritable concentrates of antioxidants, particularly in their skins. To make the most of them, choose organically grown fruit.

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  • Citrus fruit

Orange is winter-hardy and spring-happy. Particularly rich in vitamin C, this citrus fruit is ideal for boosting the immune system.

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  • Exotic fruits

Kiwifruit is the champion of vitamin C: eating two a day is enough to cover 100% of daily requirements.

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