After the summer holidays, MyZen TV is back for a month dedicated to the French Art de Vivre!
Highlights include : 

  • French Touch Special
  • MyZen Time Off: French Art de Vivre

French Touch Special

Monday 12th September from 6.30pm to 10pm

France is in the spotlight in September on MyZen TV ! The country of Molière reveals its latest little secrets in decoration, cooking, town planning… And love, of course ! On the programme in our special “French Touch” evening : Discover the most romantic of capitals with Love in the City Paris special. With an international reputation, French craftsmanship will surprise you with its modernity in our magazine French Version. Meet women who have decided to transform the world by launching a new life and deciding to invest in a project in different French territories in My Zen People. Learn how to cook duck with Béarn chef Christian Etchebest and Luana Belmondo in Luana’s Kitchen. Travel to Paris and discover some amazing suspended roofs in the documentary Up on the Green Roofs of Paris.

MyZen Time Off: French Art de Vivre

September 4th onwards, every Sunday from 4.30pm to 6pm

Take some time for yourself by discovering our new weekly event: MyZen Time-off. An opportunity to (re)discover our programmes! In September, MyZen TV offers you a special selection of “French Art de Vivre”.

On the programme : Learn more about interior design with our tips from architects and designers who have made their living spaces truly practical and trendy with our magazine Of Houses and Ideas. Get inspired by Parisian Style and the “Frenchy” interiors of those families who have managed to combine decoration and family life. With an international reputation, French craftsmanship will surprise you with its modernity in our magazine French Version. Discover the latest wellness trends in Paris with Val Khal in My Zen Trendy. Travel to different regions of France to discover the ancestral skills of the local people with our documentary series Through your eyes.

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